University of Frankfurt
Vilnius University
Old Lithuanian, intro, unit 1
language and speakers: historical information, genetic affiliation, varieties, language map
slidesOld Lithuanian, structures, unit 1
noun phrase, adpositions: structural properties and grammatical features of noun phrases, adpositions
slidesselection out of the lecturers’ references, enriched by Paulien Veenstra and project members:
general introductions, encyclopedias, literature, writing, history, miscellaneous
LITUANUS: Lithuanian Quarterly Journal of Arts and Sciences. LITUANUS. (Accessed 2021-06-29.)
Schmalstieg, William R. 1982. The Origin of Lithuanian Language. In Klimas, Antanas (ed.), LITUANUS: Lithuanian Quarterly Journal of Arts and Sciences 28(1). (Accessed 2021-06-29.)
Senn, Alfred. 1943. The Historical Development of the Lithuanian Vocabulary. Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America 1(4). 946-969.
Zinkevičius, Zigmas. 1996. The History of the Lithuanian Language. Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidykla.
grammars, treatments of major grammatical domains
Ambrazas, Vytautas. 2006. Lietuvių kalbos istorinė sintaksė [Historical syntax of Lithuanian]. Vilnius: Lietuvių kalbos institutas.
Mathiassen, Terje. 1996. A short grammar of Lithuanian. Columbus: Slavica Publishers.
The Historical Grammar of Lithuanian language. (Accessed 2021-06-29.)
Zinkevičius, Zigmas. 1980-1981. Lietuvių kalbos istorinė gramatika 1-2 [Historical grammar of Lithuanian 1-2]. Vilnius: Mokslas.
dictionaries, headword search tools, further sources of information about the lexicon
Bender, Harold H. 1921. A Lithuanian Etymological Index. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Hock, Wolfgang & Fecht, Rainer & Feulner, Anna Helene & Hill, Eugen & Wodtko, Dagmar S. 2015. Altlitauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (ALEW). 3 Vols. Hamburg: baar.
Suziedelis, Saulius A. 2011. Historical Dictionary of Lithuania. 2nd edn. USA: Scarecrow Press.
text collections, corpora, treebanks
Gippert, Jost & Martinez, Javier & Korn, Agnes. TITUS TEXTUS (Text Database). TITUS: Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien. (Accessed 2021-06-29.)
Institute for Empirical Linguistics (University of Frankfurt). 2018. SLIEKKAS (Texts). SLIEKKAS. (Accessed 2021-06-29.)
coursebooks, exercises, materials or introductions supporting teaching
Vasiliauskiene, Virginija & Zalkalns, Lilita & Slocum, Jonathan. 2003. Early Indo-European Online: Baltic Online. University of Texas: Linguistics Research Centre. (Accessed 2021-06-29.)