
Genetic affiliation: Western Mayan, Kanjobal-Jacaltec
Place: Guatemala, Mexico
Population: 38,350 (Endangered Languages Project)
Endangerment: vulnerable (Endangered Languages Project)
Glottolog 4.8 edited by Hammarström, Harald & Forkel, Robert & Haspelmath, Martin & Bank, Sebastian, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The Jakaltek Popti'
noun classifiers

by Colette Grinevald (Craig)


DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.XXXX

system of noun classifiers, history of accounts, categorizations and cultural value, numeral vs noun classifiers, cross-linguistic issues and evolution


Mayan classificatory systems
by Roberto Zavala Maldonado


DOI: doi/10.5281/zenodo.10475924

numeral/noun/genitive classifiers and noun classes in Mayan, classifiers and number, multiple classifiers, general classifier, origin and development



The following list contains basic recommendations/sources on the language at issue.


general introductions, encyclopedias, literature, writing, history, miscellaneous

Grinevald Craig, Colette. 1979. Jacaltec: Field Work in Guatemala. In T. Shopen (ed.), Languages and Their Speakers [1987, 2nd edition]. Cambridge (MA): Winthrop. 3-57.


grammars, outlines of grammatical structure, grammatical sketches

Church, Clarence E. and Katherine Church. 1966. Jacaltec grammar. In Marvin K. Mayers (ed.), Languages of Guatemala, 206-218. The Hague: Mouton.
Craig, Colette. 1977. The Structure of Jacaltec. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Day, Christopher. 1973. The Jacaltec Language. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.


dictionaries, headword search tools, further sources of information about the lexicon

Méndez, Antonio Feliciano. 1997. Diccionario popti' (jakalteko)-castellano = Hej stzoti'al jab'xub'al. Guatemala, C.A.: NORAD.
Silvestre Quiñónez, Baltazar. 2009. Vocabulario de la lengua jacalteca. Tuxtla Gutiérrez: Centro Estatal de Lenguas, Arte y Literatura Indígenas, Consejo Estatal para las Culturas y las Artes de Chiapas.
Ramírez Pérez, José, Andrés Montejo, and Baltazar Díaz Hurtado. 1996. Diccionario del idioma jakalteko. La Antigua Guatemala: Proyecto Lingüístico Francisco Marroquín.


corpora of written language, online data bases, text collections, spoken data collections

Shaw, Mary. 1971. According to our ancestors: Folk texts from Guatemala and Honduras. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the Univ. of Oklahoma.

teaching material

coursebooks, exercises, materials or introductions supporting teaching

Jakaltek in Omniglot
B'alunh Noh (Popti')