definitively not complete, suggestions and additions are very welcome!
Aissen, Judith, Nora C. England, and Roberto Zavala Maldonado. 2019 (eds.).
The Mayan languages. London & New York: Routledge.
Campbell, Lyle. 1988.
The Linguistics of Southeast Chiapas, Mexico. Provo: Brigham Young University Press.
Clemens, Lauren. 2019.
Mayan Languages. in Siddiqi, Daniel & Barrie, Michael & Gillon, Carrie & Haugen, Jason & Mathieu, Eric (eds.). The Routledghe Handbook of North American Languages. New York: Routledge.
Richards, Michael. 2003.
Atlas Lingüístico de Guatemala. Guatemala City: Serviprensa.
Yasugi, Yoshiho. 2003.
Materiales de lenguas mayas de Guatemala. Osaka: ELPR.
some online descriptions, databases and tools
Classical Maya
Grube, Nikolai, Christian Prager & Elisabeth Wagner, Guido Krempel, Tobias Mercer s.d.
Textdatenbank und Wörterbuch des Klassischen Maya; base de datos de textos y diccionario del maya clásico. online resource.
contains: Maya Hieroglyphic Text and Image Archive; Image Archive; Bibliography; Archaeological Sites; Museums; Calendar Calculations; Maya Artefacts in 3D.
Language description online
Lehmann, Christian s.d.
La lengua maya de Yucatán. online resource.
contains: comments on the description; description covering grammar and situation of the language; texts and communicative events.
Online Atlas
Blaha Pfeiler, Barbara, Stavros Skopeteas & Elisabeth Verhoeven 2022.
Atlas of Yucatec Maya Online. online resource.
contains: database of 665 expressions collected in a sample of locations in the peninsula of Yucatac; creation of dialectal maps and statistic evaluations of the factors determining variation.
some language documentation repositories
Ixil (Mamean)
Luz Garcia, Maria. 2013.
Multimedia Documentation of Ixil Maya Ritual Speech. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle:
K'iche' (Quichean)
Francis Tyers and Robert Henderson. 2021.
A corpus of K’iche’ annotated for morphosyntactic structure. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas, pages 10–20, Online. Association for Computational Linguistics.
general description of the corpus
Richardson, I. and Tyers, F. M. 2021. A morphological analyser for Kʼicheʼ. Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural. No. 66, pp. 99—109
presentation of the morphological analyzer; Treebanks
Can Pixabaj, Telma. 2018.
Documentation of formal and ceremonial discourses in K’ichee’. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle:
Lakandon (Yucatecan)
Bergqvist, Henrik. 2017.
Temporal Reference in Lakandon Maya. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle:
Suzanne Cook, Suzanne Cook and Barry Carlson, Barry Carlson, Elizabeth Escalona Guitierrez, and Protected name: @MPI:Lacandon:rwaldie:Code_KGP@. 1990-2005.
Collection "Lacandon Cultural Heritage" . The Language Archive. (Accessed 2023-11-22):
Project website.
Mocho' (Kanjobalan)
Pérez González, Jaime. 2018.
Documentation of Mocho’ (Mayan): Language Preservation through Community Awareness and Engagement. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle:
Q'anjob'al (Kanjobalan)
Mateo, B’alam. 2014.
Documentation of the Syntax and Specialized Uses of Q’anjob’al (Maya). Endangered Languages Archive. Handle:
Sakapultek (Quichean)
Mó Isém, Romelia, Juan Carlos Vázquez Aceituno, Ana Luciana Arcón Puzul & Juan Adolfo Solís Baltazar. 2006.
Sakapulteko corpus.. In Two Mayan Languages: Uspanteko and Sakapulteko. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle:
Tseltal (Tseltalan)
Polian, Gilles. 2016.
Corpus of spoken Central Tseltal. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle:
Uspantek (Quichean)
Can Pixabaj, Telma, Miguel Angel Vicente Méndez, Oswaldo Henry Ajcot Damián & María Vicente Méndez. 2006.
Uspanteko corpus.. In Two Mayan Languages: Uspanteko and Sakapulteko. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle:
Yucatec (Yucatecan)
Skopeteas, Stavros, Amedee Colli Colli, Daniela Schellenbach, Carolin Brokmann, Florian Fischer, Maya Gálvez Wimmelmann 2020.
Yucatec Maya spoken corpus.. The Language Archive, Corpus resource; persistent identifier:
Verhoeven, Elisabeth, Lehmann, Nico & Blum, Frederic (eds.) (2021).
Collective Corpus of Yucatec Maya (CoCoYum). Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.