
Genetic affiliation: Mayan, Yucatecan
Place: Guatemala, Belize
Population: 10,000-15,000 (Endangered Languages Project)
Endangerment: vulnerable (Endangered Languages Project)
Glottolog 4.8 edited by Hammarström, Harald & Forkel, Robert & Haspelmath, Martin & Bank, Sebastian, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Split intransitivity in Mayan,
with special reference to Mopan

by Eve Danziger



aspects and predicate classes (activities/change of states/states), set A/B markers, antipassive, Mopan and further Yucatecan



few basic recommendations, studies, sources


grammars, outlines of grammatical structure, grammatical sketches or studies

Danziger, Eve. 1996. Split Intransitivity and Active-Inactive Patterning in Mopan Maya. International Journal of American Linguistics 62 (4):379-414.
Danziger, Eve. 2001. Relatively Speaking: Language, Thought and Kinship in Mopan Maya. Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press USA.
Ulrich, Matthew & Ulrich, Rosemary. 1966. Mopan Maya. In Mayers, Marvin K. (ed.). Languages of Guatemala. The Hague: Mouton & Co. 251-271.
Ulrich, Matthew & Ulrich, Rosemary. 1977. Mopán vocabulary and grammar of San Luis (Petén). Chicago: University of Chicago Library.


dictionaries, headword search tools, further sources of information about the lexicon

Hofling, Charles Andrew. 2007. Notes on Mopan Lexicon and Lexical Morphology. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Ulrich, Rosemary & Ulrich, Matthew. 1976. Diccionario bilingüe: Maya Mopán y Español, Español y Maya Mopán.. Guatemala: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.


corpora of written language, online data bases, text collections, spoken data collections

Ulrich, Rosemary & Ulrich, Matthew. 1986. Historias de lo sagrado, lo serio, lo sensacional y lo sencillo: Textos Maya-Mopanes. Guatemala: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.

teaching material

coursebooks, exercises, materials or introductions supporting teaching

Mopan in Omniglot